These are some of the activites we have planned. This page will be updated gradually as the time for the event approaches. Stay tuned for further posts!
General Interest Events
Registration Open
Registration open (through the end of dinner).
Start Time: Thu 7:30 PM Duration: 150 minutes Location: Registration
Join in on a classic game. The wolves are out and the villagers must find them before the whold town is destroyed! Plead your case, whether werewolf or villager, and try to be the last man standing.
Start Time: Thu 9:00 PM Duration: 2 hours Location: Tent 1
Staff Meeting
Meeting for the staff to prepare for the weekend.
Start Time: Thu 11:00 PM Duration: 1 hours Location: Tabernacle
Reg Open
Registration open (through lunch). Come by and register.
Start Time: Fri 9:00 AM Duration: 4 hours Location: Registration
Security Staff Morning Coffee
Wake u and smell the coffee Security and staff will meet by the dining hall for coffee and to go over the days events!
Start Time: Fri 10:00 AM Duration: 30 minutes Location: Dining Hall
Opening Ceremonies
Welcome to Wild Nights! Horse Back Raffle tickets on sale before Opening!
Start Time: Fri 2:00 PM Duration: 2 hours Location: Tabernacle
Registration Open
Start Time: Fri 4:00 PM Duration: 3 hours Location: Registration
Red tavern Inn
Come join Ilari at Red Dragon Inn as weary adventurers have a night at the inn, try and out-drink your fellow adventures, and try not to go broke doing so, or even worse pass out!
Start Time: Fri 9:00 PM Duration: 2 hours Location: Dining Hall
Are you a werewolf? or an aware wolf? Either way, join us for a game that has become a classic in the fandom.
Start Time: Sat 9:00 PM Duration: 2 hours Location: Tent 1
Charity Auction
A wide variety of items, from gator heads to Fox shaped Mason Jars, and much much more! Make sure to be prepared fora lot of great items!
Start Time: Sun 12:00 PM Duration: 2 hours Location: Tabernacle
Closing Ceremonies
The final presentation event of Wild Nights. Awards to be given and thanks, as well as information about the event.
Start Time: Sun 4:00 PM Duration: 1 hours Location: Tabernacle
MESA Meeting
By attending Wild Nights, you are a member of MESA, the Missouri Exotic Species Arts Association. Meet up with your ideas at the business meeting and have a say in what goes on going forward!
Start Time: Sun 7:00 PM Duration: 2 hours Location: Tabernacle
Cleanup Begins
Event officially ends. We encourage you to remain if you are helping with teardown and cleanup! All who stay after this time are expected to help out!
Start Time: Mon 3:00 PM Duration: 1 hours Location: Tent 3
Cleanup Begins
Event officially ends. We encourage you to remain if you are helping with teardown and cleanup! All who stay after this time are expected to help out!
Start Time: Mon 3:00 PM Duration: 1 hours Location: Tabernacle
Cleanup Begins
Event officially ends. We encourage you to remain if you are helping with teardown and cleanup! All who stay after this time are expected to help out!
Start Time: Mon 3:00 PM Duration: 1 hours Location: Outdoors
Cleanup Begins
Event officially ends. We encourage you to remain if you are helping with teardown and cleanup! All who stay after this time are expected to help out!
Start Time: Mon 3:00 PM Duration: 1 hours Location: Tent 1
Cleanup Begins
Event officially ends. We encourage you to remain if you are helping with teardown and cleanup! All who stay after this time are expected to help out!
Start Time: Mon 3:00 PM Duration: 1 hours Location: Registration
Hang out and chat, and tell stories with those who remain.
Start Time: Mon 8:00 PM Duration: 3 hours Location: Outdoors
Depart and check out from the campsite.
Start Time: Tue 12:00 PM Duration: 30 minutes Location: Outdoors
Performance Events featuring some of our talented artists, musicians, actors, and fursuiters!
Jam Session
Bring out your guitars, keyboards and any other instruments you have handy to make some noise with us!
Start Time: Fri 7:00 PM Duration: 2 hours Location: Tabernacle
Bardic Circle
Join us around the campfire for drumming, strumming, and singing! Anyone's welcome to perform, sing along, or just listen and hang out.
Start Time: Fri 10:00 PM Duration: 2 hours Location: Outdoors
Friday night dance, hosted by our DJ's.
Start Time: Fri 10:00 PM Duration: 210 minutes Location: Tabernacle
Saturday Night Fever!
Start Time: Sat 10:00 PM Duration: 4 hours Location: Tabernacle
Drum Circle
Drumming and dancing by the campfire for those wishing to participate! May go on through the Midnight Howl as long as there is interest.
Start Time: Sat 11:00 PM Duration: 1 hours Location: Outdoors
Start Time: Sun 9:00 PM Duration: 3 hours Location: Tabernacle
Start Time: Thu 8:00 PM Duration: 2 hours Location: Dining Hall
Start Time: Fri 9:00 AM Duration: 2 hours Location: Dining Hall
Start Time: Fri 1:00 PM Duration: 2 hours Location: Dining Hall
Start Time: Fri 6:00 PM Duration: 2 hours Location: Dining Hall
Start Time: Sat 9:00 AM Duration: 2 hours Location: Dining Hall
Start Time: Sat 1:00 PM Duration: 1 hours Location: Dining Hall
GOH Meal
A special gourmet meal for the Supersponsors, staff, and Guests of Honor, prepared by Jamie Neon. The dining hall will be unavailable to artists for this period.
Start Time: Sat 7:00 PM Duration: 90 minutes Location: Dining Hall
Soup Dinner
Soups will be served outdoors (next to the kitchen).
Start Time: Sat 7:00 PM Duration: 2 hours Location: Outdoors
Start Time: Sun 10:00 AM Duration: 1 hours Location: Dining Hall
Start Time: Sun 1:00 PM Duration: 2 hours Location: Dining Hall
Start Time: Sun 5:00 PM Duration: 2 hours Location: Dining Hall
Start Time: Mon 9:00 AM Duration: 2 hours Location: Dining Hall
Family Dinner
Come and share in the last of the food as we celebrate the end of the event, with those who have stayed to help with teardown.
Start Time: Mon 7:00 PM Duration: 90 minutes Location: Dining Hall
Outdoor Activities
Arrival Unpack Truck
Do not arrive before 3:00 PM! You will not have access to the group camp!**All hands on deck to begin unloading the truck and begin setup of tents.
Start Time: Thu 3:00 PM Duration: 1 hours Location: Outdoors
Campfire Lighting
The campfire will be started at this time, and go the whole weekend. Those willing to help gather and cut firewood, please come help!
Start Time: Thu 7:00 PM Duration: 30 minutes Location: Outdoors
Midnight Howl
Midnight Howl near the campfire!
Start Time: Fri 12:00 AM Duration: 30 minutes Location: Outdoors
Predator Prey
Come get your cardio and have fun chasing each other around in this complex game of tag! Meet in front of the Mess Hall!
Start Time: Fri 11:00 AM Duration: 2 hours Location: Outdoors
Doggy Meet and Greet
Bring your puppers and furry best friends out to meet and play! Meet near the play ground and look for Elektra as host of the event!
Start Time: Fri 5:00 PM Duration: 1 hours Location: Outdoors
Midnight Howl
Midnight Howl by the Campfire!
Start Time: Sat 12:00 AM Duration: 30 minutes Location: Outdoors
Spooooky Stories with Deno!
Come to the lower fire ring to listen to spooky goodness at the stroke of midnight and beyond!
Start Time: Sat 12:00 AM Duration: 1 hours Location: Outdoors
Fursuit Parade
The fursuit parade is here! Line up and get ready for a grand ol' time! Suitors will have until 15 minutes after the start of the event to gather, where we will then begin line up. Parade will begin promptly at 30 minutes after the listed start.
Start Time: Sat 2:00 PM Duration: 1 hours Location: Outdoors
Predator Prey Round 2!
Sore from yesterday? Let's do it again! Come see if you get a new role! Meet in front of the Mess Hall!
Start Time: Sat 3:00 PM Duration: 2 hours Location: Outdoors
Midnight Howl
Midnight howl near the campfire!
Start Time: Sun 12:00 AM Duration: 30 minutes Location: Outdoors
Robbers Cave Hike
Fun filled hike into the mountains of Robbers Cave and spend a relaxing time to remember. meet in front of the Mess hall. we will head out at 9:10am
Start Time: Sun 9:00 AM Duration: 2 hours Location: Outdoors
Fursuit parade (Back up)
The fursuit parade is here! Line up and get ready for a grand ol' time! Suitors will have until 15 minutes after the start of the event to gather, where we will then begin line up. Parade will begin promptly at 30 minutes after the listed start.
Start Time: Sun 3:00 PM Duration: 1 hours Location: Outdoors
Midnight Howl
Midnight Howl by the campfire. Come release your inner animal!
Start Time: Mon 12:00 AM Duration: 30 minutes Location: Outdoors
Combative arts to participate in and enjoy!
Boffer Weapons Fighting
Practice fighting with boffer weapons! Open to all! Will be happening all throughout the day.
Start Time: Fri 10:00 AM Duration: 3 hours Location: Outdoors
Gun Safety
You have to attend Gun Safety in order to participate in the firing range, in conjunction with filling out a Firearm responsibility form, this is for your safety and the safety of your fellow attendees.
Start Time: Fri 12:00 PM Duration: 1 hours Location: Tent 1
Archery practice and instruction. It will be available on Saturday as well.
Start Time: Fri 4:00 PM Duration: 150 minutes Location: Outdoors
Archery practice and teaching. Will be available throughout the day to practice for tournament.
Start Time: Sat 10:00 AM Duration: 90 minutes Location: Outdoors
Thrown Weapons
Axe and knife throwing at wooden targets. Come learn and play.
Start Time: Sat 11:30 AM Duration: 2 hours Location: Outdoors
Gun Safety
You have to attend Gun Safety in order to participate in the firing range, in conjunction with filling out a Firearm responsibility form, this is for your safety and the safety of your fellow attendees.
Start Time: Sat 12:00 PM Duration: 1 hours Location: Tent 1
Gun Range (Offsite)
You have to attend the Gun Safety course in order to participate in the firing range, in conjunction with filling out a Firearm responsibility form, this is for your safety and the safety of your fellow attendees. Everyone will be gathering at Tent two to head out to the range.
Start Time: Sun 9:00 AM Duration: 3 hours Location: Outdoors
Archery! Come join in the fun!
Start Time: Sun 5:30 PM Duration: 90 minutes Location: Outdoors
Fursuit and related events
Art-Track Related Events
Artist's Lounge
Bring your sketchbook and hang out and draw, share ideas along with what you're working on, or just come and join in and relax!
Start Time: Fri 10:30 AM Duration: 750 minutes Location: Dining Hall
Artist's Lounge
Bring your sketchbook and hang out and draw, share ideas along with what you're working on, or just come and join in and relax! Please note that the Mess hall will shut down at 5:00pm to prep for and have the GoH meal, then reopen afterwards.
Start Time: Sat 10:00 AM Duration: 7 hours Location: Dining Hall
Artist's Lounge
Come and join the fun! Sit down, sketch, and enjoy the companionship of others.
Start Time: Sat 8:30 PM Duration: 4 hours Location: Dining Hall
Artist's Lounge
Bring your sketchbook and hang out and draw, share ideas along with what you're working on, or just come and join in and relax!
Start Time: Sun 10:00 AM Duration: 12 hours Location: Dining Hall
Spirituality events.
Worship Service
Join us in the tabernacle for a morning service lead by Windsong.
Start Time: Sun 10:00 AM Duration: 45 minutes Location: Tabernacle
Writing Track
Writing Track
General interest panels not fitting other categories.
GOH Meet and Greet
Meet the Guests of Honor for Wild Nights!
Start Time: Fri 4:00 PM Duration: 1 hours Location: Tabernacle
Knitting and Crotchet
Come learn to knit and crotchet with Onudi!
Start Time: Fri 5:00 PM Duration: 1 hours Location: Tent 1
Moo’s Crafty Crafts Panel!
Come wind down and destress with some good ol’ camp Arts and Crafts!!! All supplies are provided, just bring yourselves!
Start Time: Sat 11:00 AM Duration: 1 hours Location: Tent 1
Iron Artist Wheel
Join Deno and their panel of artists for a random piece or quick art! What will the wheel decide?
Start Time: Sat 4:00 PM Duration: 1 hours Location: Tabernacle
Iron Artist Wheel (Adult)
Join Deno and artists for a spin-the-wheel challenge but for adults. What will the wheel decide?
Start Time: Sat 11:00 PM Duration: 1 hours Location: Tent 1
Workshops -- come join in and make things. Check the event description for any costs.
Leather Workshop
This is a free and paid for event. Those who have paid will be given more material to build more interesting. Those who haven't will have the opportunity to learn about leather working.
Start Time: Sat 1:00 PM Duration: 4 hours Location: Tent 3
Cookies!!! & Baking them!
Learn how to make The magical cookies.
Start Time: Sun 10:00 AM Duration: 1 hours Location: Kitchen
Setup and teardown for events and convention.
Registration Setup
Setup for registration and concessions.
Start Time: Thu 4:00 PM Duration: 210 minutes Location: Registration
A/V Setup
Setup of the A/V system, lighting and sound. Volunteers needed!
Start Time: Thu 4:00 PM Duration: 4 hours Location: Tabernacle
Tent Setup
Setup of the Tent. All help appreciated!
Start Time: Thu 4:00 PM Duration: 1 hours Location: Tent 1
Tent Setup
Setup of the Tent. All Help Appreciated.
Start Time: Thu 6:00 PM Duration: 1 hours Location: Tent 3
Wood search
Let's get together and find that wood! With a weekend ahead of us let's find all the wood we can for the weekend!
Start Time: Thu 6:00 PM Duration: 1 hours Location: Outdoors
Opening Setup
Setup for Opening Ceremonies.
Start Time: Fri 12:00 PM Duration: 1 hours Location: Tabernacle
Registration Closed
Reg Closed for Lunch
Start Time: Fri 1:00 PM Duration: 3 hours Location: Registration
Archery Setup
Setup of the archery net and hay bales as targets.
Start Time: Fri 3:00 PM Duration: 1 hours Location: Outdoors
Registration Closed
Reg is closed. If you need to check in, find a registration staff member.
Start Time: Fri 7:00 PM Duration: 7 hours Location: Registration
Dance Setup
Setup for the dances.
Start Time: Fri 9:00 PM Duration: 1 hours Location: Tabernacle
GOH Meal Setup
Setup for the GOH Meal. The Dining Hall will be unavailable for artists during this time.
Start Time: Sat 5:00 PM Duration: 1 hours Location: Dining Hall
Dance Setup
Setup of the Tabernacle for the dances.
Start Time: Sat 9:00 PM Duration: 1 hours Location: Tabernacle
Tent Teardown
Teardown and packing of Tent 3.
Start Time: Sun 5:00 PM Duration: 1 hours Location: Tent 3
A/V Teardown
Teardown of the A/V rig and loading into the truck. Anyone who can stay and help is appreciated!
Start Time: Mon 9:00 AM Duration: 5 hours Location: Tabernacle
Registration Teardown
Start Time: Mon 9:00 AM Duration: 5 hours Location: Registration
Tent Teardown
Teardown and packing of the tent.
Start Time: Mon 10:00 AM Duration: 1 hours Location: Tent 1
Kitchen Cleanup/ Teardown
Kitchen teardown/cleanup. We will leave enough equipment handy to feed those who stay.
Start Time: Mon 11:00 AM Duration: 3 hours Location: Dining Hall
Campfire Cleanup
Extinguish the campfire and clean up the site.
Start Time: Mon 1:00 PM Duration: 1 hours Location: Outdoors
Archery Teardown
Teardown of the archery field. Volunteers Needed for teardown of the archery net and moving haybales.
Start Time: Mon 2:00 PM Duration: 1 hours Location: Outdoors
Family Dinner Prep
If you like to cook, come to the kitchen, where we'll see what ingredients are left and what delicious things we can make with them for the Family Dinner.
Start Time: Mon 3:00 PM Duration: 4 hours Location: Kitchen
Kitchen Cleanup/ Teardown
Continue cleanup/packing of kitchen, leaving what's needed to do final prep.
Start Time: Mon 9:00 PM Duration: 3 hours Location: Kitchen
Campsite Cleanup
Final Cleanup of the Campsite. Check all the cabins to ensure they are cleaned out. Clean up the bathrooms and ensure everything is ready for the ranger's inspection.
Start Time: Tue 10:00 AM Duration: 2 hours Location: Outdoors
Kitchen Cleanup/ Teardown
Final cleanup/packing of the kitchen.
Start Time: Tue 10:00 AM Duration: 2 hours Location: Kitchen