Who's Coming to Wild Nights 2015 (2015)
Registration opened August 7, 2021! | ||
1. BlackDawg | SuperSponsor | "WOOOOF, the Dane is back again for year no.7" |
2. Heros | SuperSponsor | "Hey, Steampunk has Archery and Thrown Weapons!" |
3. Ilari | Basic | "Wires! So many wires! Aaaahhhh!!!!" |
4. Zola | Basic | "0_o you want me to what now?" |
5. Wild_N_Woofy | Sponsor | "This pup will be back for Wild Nights 2015 WOOF ! " |
6. RukeFirestorm | Sponsor | "cant wait to see all of the furrs again" |
7. WoLf 2Tails | SuperSponsor | "Leather Smith" |
8. Rueagon | Basic | "Love comming to this con," |
9. Shasta Wulftrax | Basic | "*turns the gears of time* were gonna party like its 1899!" |
10. Pai Faye TheKox | Sponsor | "Now traveling farther then ever!" |
11. Travis | Basic | "I say, old chap!" |
12. Chakat Stripedfur | Basic | "Can't wait for a great year with y'all again!" |
13. EquusNaughty | SuperSponsor | "Has fantasy, of meeting Bojack Horseman." |
14. Death Walker | SuperSponsor | "Can't wait, this will be epic!!" |
15. Isabella Kat | Sponsor | "SO excited to come back this year!!!" |
16. Seka | Basic | |
17. Arutheus | Basic | "First time going~! I hope this is lots of fun! ^w^" |
18. Bittergrim | Basic | "Coming in Style" |
19. Skylor Forscythe | Basic | "Coming back to secure fuzzbutts" |
20. caldaq | Basic | "Please volinteer to help the event be as best as it can." |
21. Pan-pan | Basic | "Something's heating up in the kitchen! Oh, it's me!" |
22. Xibalba Leopard | Basic | |
23. Tamara Rose | Basic | |
24. Kaije | Sponsor | "I love this con enough I am returning as staff" |
25. Dragon Mama | Basic | "Greetings and Salutations!" |
26. River | Basic | |
27. Midori Pandafox | Basic | "fluffy spazzy panderfox here ready for some fun!" |
28. Blaize Husky | Basic | |
29. Scotter | Basic | "Ready for more drunken shenanigans!" |
30. The Kox's Mate | Basic | "So, what exactly /is/ a furry?" |
31. Terrance Jones | Basic | "Yap Yarf Foxie time! " |
32. Raven Lightstar | Basic | "It's been 5 years. 5 long years." |
33. Ohfour | Basic | |
34. BrokeFang Maximus | Basic | |
35. Good Shepherd | Sponsor | "Flying in from PA and is looking forward to a good time!" |
36. Hanzerpaws | Basic | |
37. James Vodera | Basic | |
38. Bones | Basic | |
39. Mazie | Basic | "First Con!! Ready to Go :3" |
40. Shuken Flash | Basic | "Love the idea of a camping con, can't wait for the fun" |
41. Hanzer Paws | Basic | |
42. Blu | Basic | |
43. Geddith Gummi | Basic | |
44. Litz Bloodstorm | Basic | |
45. Sioras Nightfire | Basic | "I'll be a good dog this time. I promise!" |
46. Dragonkid | Basic | |
47. Victor Redtail | Basic | "This burd will be there" |
48. Black Knight Bidder | Basic | |
49. Blitz Foxtrot | Basic | |
50. Ruben Rios | Basic | |
51. Greyhare | Basic | |
52. MARVOL | Basic | ":)" |
53. Majik Bear from California | SuperSponsor | "Text: 408-459-8036 | Skype: foxmajik@hotmail.com" |
54. Tanooki | Basic | |
55. Elverag | Basic | |
56. Kotaru | Sponsor | |
57. EvilAng | Sponsor | |
58. Shadowdog | Sponsor | "Woof Woof Woof, furry wuff wuff , YAAYS!" |
59. Shelby Allen | Basic | "1st Wild Nights! Looking forward to it!" |
60. Karagen | Basic | "First time I'll be going to WN, Lion can not wait~!!!" |
61. grayfoxchild | Basic | |
62. MLW | Basic | "Oh snap." |
63. Shayla | Basic | "Thanks for pet sitting, Anu! Sorry you can't come..." |
64. Ragnar | Sponsor | |
65. Springdragon | SuperSponsor | |
66. Phyn | Basic | |
67. Isk Whedabra moonfeather | Basic | |
68. Cikea | SuperSponsor | |
69. Prominence | SuperSponsor | "Whoohoo! The Star with Stripes returns!" |
70. OzarkFoxx | Basic | |
71. Sangie Nativus | Basic | |
72. Led The Bunny | SuperSponsor | |
73. brabsis | Sponsor | |
74. Matthew Wulf | Basic | |
75. Crys The Hybrid | Basic | |
76. Tobias Amaranth | Basic | "Werewolves of the Dark Arts" |
77. Cameo NoxPhyer | Sponsor | |
78. Vixie Snow | Basic | |
79. Serena Chaotica | Sponsor | |
80. Baloo Uriza | Basic | |
81. Dilan Star | Sponsor | "Can't wait to see everybody!" |
82. Gabriel Aaron | Sponsor | |
83. Luminols | Basic | |
84. Falconpunch | SuperSponsor | "Peace be unto you, so that I may steal your socks." |
85. Tybron Mephitis | Basic | "Skunk extraordinaire" |
86. Fox Zeta | Basic | ":3" |
87. Ray | Basic | |
88. GlacierPaws | SuperSponsor | "curl's first WN! :D" |
89. Sirus | Basic | |
90. Meilie | Basic | |
91. Oda Wolf | SuperSponsor | "YAY! :D <3" |
92. Ratchet | Basic | |
93. Breezysy | Sponsor | |
94. NykVerien | Basic | |
95. JägerJoachimAdolphisStein | Basic | |
96. Kenai Kitty | Sponsor | |
97. Lady Shena | Basic | |
98. BearKing | Basic | "Warning I bite" |
99. Pardus | Basic | |
100. Stargel Husky | Basic | |
101. Mosiac | Basic | "Durp?" |
102. Draconis | SuperSponsor | "I have all the Waffles" |
103. Huskershep | Basic | |
104. Salo Vorita | Sponsor | |
105. Mizuiro | Basic | "This DJ is bringing the bass! Rawrrrrrrr" |
106. Rae | Basic | |
107. firefly8083 | Sponsor | "Back again! cant wait to see everyone <3" |
108. Rakai | Basic | |
109. Malekigh | SuperSponsor | "The wolf is back y'all!!!!" |
110. Charlie | Basic | |
111. Chum Basket | Basic | "http://www.furaffinity.net/user/chumbasket/" |
112. Jake Shep | Basic | |
113. Natty Kitty | Basic | "Yay ^^ we're gonna be able to make it :3" |
114. Kenny Foxy | Basic | |
115. NateDay | Basic | |
116. Dragon Lourdes | Basic | |
117. Sammy/Codeine | Basic | "come find me C:" |
118. Red The Rabbit | Basic | |
119. Haefen the Zebra | Basic | |
120. Seff | Basic | "Moof." |
121. Ace Firesnow | Basic | |
122. Pax | Basic | "Party in the woods!" |
123. Myla Wrex | Basic | |
124. Radar | Basic | |
125. Sabastian | Basic | "Like, wuff and stuff." |
126. Shilo | Basic | |
127. Silence the Husky | SuperSponsor | |
128. Cassandrus Blackclaw | Basic | |
129. Miss.Anthro - De'sir | Basic | |
130. Yoon | Basic | |
131. PhatCat | Basic | "Can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" |
132. Ipequey | Basic | "Bringing the beer, bringing the fun. " |
133. PacerFox | Basic | |
134. Nightrider | Basic | |
135. True Blue | Basic | "Come see me in Artist Alley!" |
136. Alexandra | Basic | |
137. Dex | Basic | |
138. Toboe Wolfsbane | Basic | |
139. Rolanfox | Basic | |
140. Onudi | Basic | "Show me your moves." |
141. Xana The Mant | Basic | "I'm gonna bring THE CRAY " |
142. Wolfie The Wingnut | Basic | "Give me your traaash!" |
143. Torrent IV | Sponsor | "First time here, sounds cool." |
144. Sheba Wolf | Basic | "Woof woof! :D" |
145. Varaleo | Basic | |
146. PupDog | Basic | |
147. Crazy John | SuperSponsor | |
148. Ultraterrestrial | Basic | |
149. Phoenix Audubon | SuperSponsor | "Always on the move..." |
150. Rulan | Basic | |
151. Lucky Ringtail | Basic | |
152. Tornwulf | Basic | |
153. Keefur | SuperSponsor | "Feel free to feed the Sabertooth!" |
154. Rory Foster | Basic | "~ooh girl look at that body~ @RoryGoldfish" |
155. Akita Inus | Basic | "Woof Woof!" |
156. Nite`Wolf | Basic | "Thought about it longingly, chose to come back this year. " |
157. Pestilynce | Basic | |
158. Kaos Kirret | Sponsor | "Super excited to see all my friends!" |
159. Ty Barbary | Basic | |
160. Eduardo Soliz | Sponsor | |
161. Ramsey | Basic | |
162. Baral'heia Stormdancer | Basic | |
163. Fluffy Destroyer of Tasty Fish | Basic | |
164. Jerynn Barbary | Basic | |
165. Mont | Basic | |
166. Zeeka | Basic | |
167. ExclusiveChan | Basic | |
231 members pre-registered | ||
Registration closed October 14, 2021! |